Client Challenge/Goals:
A creative concept developed by Grey Canada, designed to generate awareness and centre adoption by key Toronto downtown neighbourhoods via mural art created by Chairman Ting. mundy. was tasked with harnessing the tremendous impact of these murals to drive donations, partners for life and media attention.
Key components produced/executed:
The overall campaign was kicked off with a street party outside of the King donation centre, with dignitaries, local businesses and media in attendance. Mundy. collaborated in developing a community engagement strategy to build further engagement and adoption of these key Canadian Blood Services Centres.
Included in this program were community engagement teams who hand delivered This City Is In Our Blood program kits to key local businesses and organizations throughout the key neighbourhoods local to the centres. To close out the program promotional teams were outside centres to support the re-engagement of “walk-in” appointments at downtown centres, driving further donations and awareness.
From outstanding media pick up of the program launch to new Partners For Life and a dramatic increase in donations from both existing donors and 1st time donors, the program was a success.